Roster Crunch


Adam Feralio


April 27, 2024


Welcome, and thanks so much for reading! I’m Adam!

I made this website for a few reasons:

  • As a piece for my data analytics portfolio
  • As an ode to baseball
  • To help fantasy baseball managers, if even a little!

It’s the final product of a yearlong endeavor to learn R and grow my skills in analytics.

I hope you enjoy it and find something valuable here.

I’d be happy to connect with you on LinkedIn, GitHub, and/or Twitter/X (specific to my baseball fandom). I’m still not exactly sure how to use those platforms, but I’m there. I set up an email as well:

For a bit of personal bio, my wife and I currently live in Chicago and love spending days at the lakefront, exploring new places, thrifting CDs, drinking Sputnik coffee, etc… Outside of baseball, I love reading and playing chess when I can find the time.

Professionally, I work for a federal government agency—AmeriCorps—as an Associate Portfolio Manager. My background is primarily in the social and public sectors with a focus on capacity building (data analysis, research, project/volunteer/grants management, outreach) for organizations who support communities in fighting poverty. My current position is a term-appointment, such that I am actively looking for my next role. If you know of any opportunities or you’re looking for someone to join your team, feel free to reach out to me.

Thanks again!